About "Sailing JoyLand" Welfare Institution

In the harsh realities of society, two extraordinary mothers, Ms. Wong Xiujuan and Ms. Wang Xia, resolutely founded the "Sailing JoyLand" Welfare Institution. Their story is touching and inspiring.

Ms. Wong Xiujuan is a resilient and courageous mother. Her son was born with intellectual disabilities, requiring constant special care and support from a young age. This journey of seeking medical and caregiving resources left her feeling helpless and confused, as existing public and private institutions either couldn't provide adequate support or demanded prohibitively high fees, given her limited financial means.

By chance, Ms. Wong Xiujuan met Ms. Wang Xia, another founder of "Sail Sunshine Home". Facing similar challenges with her own intellectually disabled child, they became friends and allies, sharing a common desire to create a place that could meet the needs of special children like theirs.

In June 2016, they both resigned from their jobs and dedicated themselves to planning and establishing a care center specifically for individuals with intellectual and mental disabilities.

However, reality proved harsh. Throughout the founding process, they encountered numerous difficulties and challenges. Despite financial pressures, legal procedures, and facility-related obstacles, Ms. Wong Xiujuan and Ms. Wang Xia demonstrated extraordinary perseverance and determination. With love and resolve, they created a sanctuary for these special children, bringing change and hope to countless families.

"Sailing JoyLand" is committed to long-term care for individuals with intellectual and mental disabilities. Currently, the center houses 51 residents, including 27 under the age of 18 and 24 over the age of 18, all from financially disadvantaged families. Public institutions typically cannot provide sufficient capacity or comprehensive care, adding immense pressure to these families. Thanks to "Sailing JoyLand", these children receive detailed care and opportunities for growth, while their families gain a reprieve to work and live more normally, alleviating stress.

Despite facing immense challenges, "Sailing JoyLand" persists with the support of society. In June 2023, the leadership of the "Fenghua District Disabled Persons Federation" in China approached them, requiring a venue change due to safety concerns at the original site. To uphold their belief in "caring for one person, liberating one family, stabilizing one community", they found a new location. However, relocation brought greater financial strain, requiring payments for rent and safety facilities at the new site.

"Sailing JoyLand" is not just a care center; it symbolizes hope and warmth, thanks to the selfless dedication and boundless love of Ms. Wong Xiujuan and Ms. Wang Xia. We pledge to donate 10% of our website's profits to "Sailing JoyLand", supporting them in helping these special children and their families sail forth and brighten their life journeys!