Our Quality

The tea gardens in China are vast, with enormous production and a myriad of varieties, showcasing a layered landscape of quantity and quality. Against this backdrop, Chacha Bell delves into extensive research and years of on-site visits across tea-producing regions, focusing on premium teas from small-scale producers. We personally select and endorse teas that we, through direct contact and expert tea appraisal, recognize as "truly good teas" to introduce to fellow tea enthusiasts who cherish both the taste and health benefits of tea, as well as the assurance of safety in consumption.

Our Green Teas
This includes well-known varieties like West Lake Longjing alongside lesser-known gems from small-scale producers, all rigorously chosen by us.

Our Black Teas
Primarily sourced from various regions in Fujian Province, including Zhengshan Xiaozhong and Jin Jun Mei from Wuyi Mountain, and Gongfu Black Tea from Tan Yang Village in Fu'an City. Each selected black tea exudes natural floral and fruity aromas, with a rich and smooth taste that is refreshing and lingering.

Our Pu-erh Teas
Pu-erh tea, an ancient and mystical oriental beverage, is increasingly loved for its unique flavor and health benefits. Particularly, ripe Pu-erh undergoes artificial fermentation, resulting in a mellow taste and gentle nature, gaining widespread popularity. However, the quality of Pu-erh teas on the market varies greatly, with prices ranging significantly. It's important to be cautious of excessively low-priced Pu-erh teas, as their production intricacies and material costs suggest potential compromises in quality.

Issues commonly associated with low-priced Pu-erh teas include inferior raw materials (such as summer or autumn leaves), rough processing techniques that impact quality, and inadequate storage conditions leading to mold or deterioration. Therefore, we advise careful consideration before purchasing overly cheap Pu-erh teas to avoid compromising on quality.

Our selection of Pu-erh teas guarantees authenticity in raw material sourcing and meticulous fermentation processes, delivering a distinctly superior experience compared to typical low-cost market offerings. Once you try ours, you'll experience a completely new level of tea enjoyment!